Coaches Corner: How to Blitz Off of a Lob
1. This point was deep into the match and was the only attempt to blitz off a lob. It's not super common. I just saw an opportunity on this particular point.
2. The first lob is hit by my partner from the ad side and I notice the reset overhead. I hit the next lob that pushes the overhead player behind the service line. He hits another reset overhead to the middle. Going with the percentages, he will hit the same reset overhead if I put up another good lob.
3. Once I see the overhead hitter’s eyes track the third lob and go up, I move forward. I am committed. Coming from the deuce side, I crash the center of the court with my paddle face vertical.
4. When I'm coming in for a blitz, I want to try my best to hit down on the ball. Not necessarily to put away the ball, but not just push it back with a horizontal paddle.
Use these 4 key pointers to execute a great lob off the blitz. Have fun out there!