
The APTA is primarily run by a team of very dedicated volunteers. With an abundance of work to do, the APTA Committees listed below conduct much of its business, which is overseen by the Executive Committee.

  • Executive Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Court Innovation
  • Grants and Loans Committee ( 2024 Report )
  • Governance and Nominating Committee ( 2024 Report )
  • Hall of Fame Nominating Committee
  • Investment Committee
  • Juniors Committee ( 2024 Report )
  • League Committee (2024 Report)
  • Live Streaming Committee (2024 Report)
  • Masters Committee (2023 Report)
  • Media Committee ( 2024 Report )
  • National Tournaments Committee
  • National Tournament Players Committee
  • PTI Algorithm Committee
  • PTI Tournament & Team Nationals Committee ( 2024 Report )
  • Rules Committee ( 2024 Report )
  • Sponsorship Committee
  • Technology Committee ( 2024 Report )
  • Umpires Committee ( 2024 Report )

Thank you committee members for volunteering.  Click here to see a full list of committees and members.

The APTA is always looking for help. If you’d like to volunteer, please contact us today at