2024 APTA Annual Board Meeting Recap


At the annual board meeting, the board and staff met to discuss the state of the game. Here is a recap from the new APTA Board President Demian Johnston.

Board Members

  • Tiernan Cavanna and Mark Holtschneider both rolled off the Board 

  • Sarah Padgitt (Chicago) and Whit Harwood (Westchester) were voted in as new members 

  • Demian Johnston was elected as the new President of the Board

  • The APTA Board currently consists of 14 people (8 men and 6 women) from areas around the country, reflecting the makeup of our membership

2023-2024 Financials Review

  • The APTA ran an operating loss of ~$45k vs a budgeted loss of ~$95k for the 2023-2024 season. This was the first operating loss in eight years

  • Membership growth was 10% (vs 6% expected)

  • Our expenses were in line with our budget

Grants & Loans (for public-access courts)

  • This past year, $57,000 was awarded in grants across 3 projects in support of the construction and rehabilitation of 7 courts and other facility enhancements

  • We anticipate funding nearly $200,000 in previously awarded and new grants and loans in the coming season


  • We’ve recently added two new members to our staff

    • Mark Thomford - Director of IT

    • Karen Nejedlik - Director of Tournaments


  • We have a backlog of IT projects we plan on tackling this off-season

    • Moving the PTI platform (database and calculation) in-house from Paddlescores

    • Switching over to a new PTI algorithm (PTI2)

    • Phase 2 of APTA website development

    • Court Director: Live scoring technology that allows viewers on site and at home to follow tournament match scores 

Digital Media

  • Live Streaming: we plan on streaming every weekend (except holidays) next season

    • 20 APTA Tour events plus Junior Nationals and Mixed Nationals

  • Social Media: focusing more on the most watched videos 

Membership Dues Increase

  • In order to fund our investments in new staff, technology, and digital media, the Board voted to increase the yearly membership fee

    • From $35 to $45 for “League/Club” members

    • From $45 to $90 for “Individual” members (the goal is to have all members eventually joining through some sort of league, club or group)

  • In addition to funding staff, technology, and digital media, a dues increase is necessary to ensure the APTA can continue to fund our Grants & Loans program (public-access courts);  new court installations range between $140,000 and $180,000 

  • This is the first membership dues increase in eight years                                      


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