Registration (please fill out and submit): Ladies Entry Form Men's Entry Form Once your form has been submitted, the tournament director will confirm if your team is IN or on the waitlist via email.
Host Club
Wee Burn Country Club
Results from both the Ladies and Men's Callaway Cup tournament will NOT count towards PTI ratings this year
Event Details
Callaway Cup Honors Platform Tennis Icon
The Callaway Cup honors the legacy of the legendary Bob Callaway and everything he means to the sport of platform tennis. It would be great to have you play and support Bob's tournament!
Ladies Callaway Cup Details:
- Breakfast, lunch, favors and prizes are included. - We highly encourage all players with a PTI of around 40 and higher (40, 45, 50, 55, etc) to play. - Results do not count towards your PTI rating. - Open to all ladies however pros are not allowed to participate. - Members and non-members are welcome to play. - Draw is limited to 16 teams. Main and consolation draws. Three matches minimum (with full draws).
Men's Callaway Cup Details:
- Lunch, beers, favors and prizes are included. - No PTI rating restriction to enter. - Open to all men however pros are not allowed to participate. - Members and non-members are allowed to play. - Results do not count towards your PTI rating. - Draw is limited to 16 teams; main and consolation draws; 3 matches minimum (with full draws)