At the time of registering the team captain must enter all the team members’ names. If a captain pays for 7 players, 7 eligible players must be listed in the registration. A team that does not have a minimum of 6 players with acceptable PTIs will not be moved off the waiting list and into the tournament until this requirement is met. Waiting to complete the list could cause the team not to receive a spot in the tournament as it will be first come first serve for completed eligible teams
Six players play in 3 lines. Line 1 must have a lower combined PTI than line 2 and line 2 must have a lower combined PTI than line 3. Day 1 – Round Robin - number of matches depends on division. Day 2 – Semi-finals/Finals – All teams will have at least one match on Sunday. Winning teams advance to finals and compete for the championship in their division.
Additional Details
Registration will close at 12 NOON EDT on April 4.