To be eligible, both players must have a PTI of 40 or higher at the time of registration and the combined PTI must be less than 100. All teams will register on the waitlist. Teams will be notified and moved off the waitlist once eligibility is confirmed.
Entry Selection
All teams will register on the waitlist. Teams will be notified and moved off the waitlist once eligibility is confirmed.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible to participate in Team or PTI Nationals, a player's PTI history must have at least 8 rated matches within the last twelve months. Those players who have fewer than 8 rated matches in the last twelve months may request an exception from the PTI Nationals committee.
For 1-day tournaments with a draw size greater than 8 teams: 1. no-ad / double deuce scoring; (deciding point on second deuce, receivers’ choice) 2. third set 10 point match tiebreaker for all matches except finals 3. 2 out of 3 sets regular scoring for the finals.
APTA Membership
All players must be APTA members, and membership must be purchased before entry.